C# While Loop

In C# while loop, the loops keep repeating through a block of code until the specified condition is not True. The loop has the test condition at the beginning of the loop. All the given statements are executed till the given boolean condition satisfies when the condition becomes false, the control will be out from the while loop. … Read more

Categories C#

Major 6 C# Operators

C# Operators allow performing operations on variables and values (operands). Basically, Operators are the foundation of any programming language. Without them any programming language is incomplete. C# provides a number of operators. Operators knew as a symbol that defines what kind of operation needs to perform on operands. Following are the type of built-in C# … Read more

Categories C#

C# Data Types

C# Data Types are used to define a type of data that can behold by variable. Data Types such as integer, float, string, etc., are used in our application. Language which is strongly typed such as C# programming language, it’s mandatory to define a variable with the data type to indicate what type of data, variable … Read more

Categories C#

C# Variables

C# Variables are used to represent storage locations. In C# variables have a particular type which determines what type of values can be stored in that variable. As C# is strongly typed language so we have to define a variable with the required data type. It will specify the type of data that has to behold in … Read more

Categories C#

C# Constants

C# Constants are immutable values that are known at compile time and remain constant throughout the program’s existence. The const modifier is used to declare constants. Const declarations are only allowed for C# built-in types (excluding System.Object). Const cannot be used to user-defined types such as classes, structs, and arrays. Use the readonly modifier to … Read more

Categories C#

C# Loops

Here, you will learn how to execute a statement or code block multiple times using the Loops in C#. Loops are the instructions that repeat until a specified condition is reached. It’s used when we have to execute a block of code several times. Like other programming languages, C# also provides various control structures that … Read more

Categories C#

C# Exception Handling

C# Exception handling is defined as the way to tell the program to move on to the next block of code or provide the defined result in certain situations. An exception is considered as the problem that arises during the execution of a program. It occurs when an exceptional situation happens in the program. In C# … Read more

Categories C#

C# Preprocessor Directives

C# Preprocessor directives are known as the set which gives instruction to the compiler to preprocess the information before actual compilation starts. In C# all Preprocessor Directives start with #. These commands specifies which sections of the code to compile or how to handle specific errors and warnings. The preprocessor directives are used to help … Read more

Categories C#

C# Attributes

C# Attributes are very useful in a programming language. In C# attributes are used to bring metadata about various code elements which include methods, properties, and types. They can be placed on certain entities in the source code to specify additional information. To add attributes in the code ([ ]) are used at the top … Read more

Categories C#

C# Events

An event is a mechanism for communication between objects. When something happens such as a key press or an error, an event can notify other objects about it. C# Events are used for inter-process communication. Events are known as the user actions such as mouse movements, keypress, and clicks, etc. In C# applications have to … Read more

Categories C#