Advice For Networking with Software Developers | by Prajix | CodeX | Nov, 2021


Networking is one of the most tedious and stressful aspects of any profession, but it is necessary to build connections, find work, and propel your career forward. So many people are unsure of where to begin building relationships with people in the software development community or how to do it successfully. Here are some tips and habits that have worked for the members of the Prajix team in the past.

Photo by olia danilevich from Pexels

Build a Website Portfolio

A website should show the world how you present yourself, your qualifications, and your career aspirations. It is the opportunity to share your portfolio with the world and give recruiters and entrepreneurs an inside look at how you plan to change the world with your ideas. It doesn’t have to be grand or bombastic in style. No need for cheap showmanship that distracts potential colleagues from the content of your website. Like any website, it should be easy to read and navigate and give people a clear understanding of what you’re capable of and how you can help them advance their careers as well.

Create groups

This shows initiative as you are willing to go the extra mile to start projects independently instead of hopping on board other people’s ideas. Plus, it is a great way to meet diverse groups of people with various backgrounds and experiences to help you expand your skills. It can also present the opportunity to ask questions and begin a dialogue to help each other constantly learn and grow as developers.

Relationship Building

Once you’ve found a group of people you regularly come into contact with, you should take the time to get to know the people on your team. Ask them about their lives, their interests, if they have any plans for the upcoming weekend or anything else that expresses interest in their lives outside of work. With so many people working remotely, it sometimes feels like we’ve lost the human connection in the workplace. Showing a little compassion and friendliness goes a long way. Even if they seem non-responsive, they’ll remember that you put in the effort to be a kind and caring coworker, and they’ll remember you for their next project.

Follow up

A lot of people have mixed feelings about following up with someone after having just met. People fear it may come off as clingy or out of line, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. If you enjoyed sharing ideas with someone or gained a lot of helpful insight from a speaker at an event, feel free to send them a quick email letting them know that they left a lasting impact on you. An example may look like this:

Hello (insert name),

I enjoyed hearing your ideas and advice the other day! I’d love to get the chance to discuss the topic more in the future. Thanks again for speaking with me!

All the best, (your name)

It doesn’t have to be too detailed or wordy. Simply by letting them know that you hope to come in contact with them again, you are leaving a sincere impression on them, and they’ll have your name on their mind.

Where to look?

Everywhere! You should constantly search for new opportunities on job posting websites like LinkedIn, Handshake, Glassdoor, etc. By sending out your resume to a wide range of employers and going on interviews, you are practicing your persuasion skills and learning what different industries are looking for in their software coders. It is a process of trial and error and can be ludicrously frustrating when it seems like every avenue is a dead end. However, it gives you experience in pursuing new kinds of work and helps you learn your strengths, weaknesses, priorities, and where you’d like to navigate your career in the future.

With Prajix, you’ll have a world of developers at your fingertips to make connections, contribute to new projects, and take your career in the direction you’ve always wanted.