How to Handle Stacked Pull Requests on GitHub

If you develop software, there’s a good chance you use a platform like GitHub to collaborate and work together on code with your team. The basic unit of reviewable code in GitHub is the pull request, but the implementation of a feature may require several pull requests. This blog post will give you the necessary … Read more

Python Program to print all permutations of a given string

Python Program to print all permutations of a given string;  In this Python lesson, we’ll show you two different approaches for utilizing either a built-in module or a standalone module to detect and output permutations of a given string in Python. Before we share with you a Python program to find every variant of the supplied … Read more

Python Program to Swap Two Elements in a List

In this tutorial, we will learn how to swap elements in a list using Python. We’ll cover three different methods: a function, direct swapping of the first and last elements, and swapping using the pop() and insert() methods. Method 1: Swap Two Elements in a List using Function Here are the steps to write a Python … Read more