Node.js Tutorial


Welcome to our Node.js tutorial, designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of Node.js for both beginners and professionals. In this tutorial, we cover basic and advanced concepts of Node.js, empowering you to harness its potential.

Node.js is a versatile cross-platform environment and library that allows for the execution of JavaScript applications outside of a web browser. It specializes in creating networking and server-side applications, and its basic modules are primarily written in JavaScript. To download Node.js, visit this link:

Our Node.js tutorial covers a wide range of topics, including:

  1. Installation of Node.js on both Windows and Linux systems
  2. Using REPL (Read-Eval-Print Loop)
  3. Understanding the package manager
  4. Working with callbacks
  5. Exploring the event loop
  6. Leveraging operating system functionality
  7. Manipulating paths
  8. Handling query strings
  9. Implementing cryptography
  10. Debugging techniques
  11. Dealing with URLs
  12. Exploring DNS (Domain Name System)
  13. Utilizing Net and UDP (User Datagram Protocol)
  14. Managing processes and child processes
  15. Working with buffers
  16. Implementing streams
  17. Manipulating file systems
  18. Understanding global objects
  19. Exploring web modules

Additionally, we provide Node.js interview questions to enhance your understanding of this technology and prepare you for interviews.

What is Node.js? Node.js is a free and open-source cross-platform runtime environment and JavaScript library. It enables the execution of JavaScript applications outside of a web browser, primarily for creating server-side and networking web applications. It is renowned for its speed, scalability, and efficiency. To learn more, visit the official Node.js website:

Key Features of Node.js: Node.js offers several notable features that make it a preferred choice for software architects:

  1. Exceptional Speed: Node.js leverages the high-performance V8 JavaScript Engine from Google Chrome, enabling swift code execution.
  2. Asynchronous and Event-Driven I/O: All Node.js APIs are asynchronous, ensuring non-blocking operations. This architecture allows the server to efficiently handle multiple requests simultaneously, making it highly responsive.
  3. Single-Threaded Model with Event Loop: Node.js follows a single-threaded model while employing an event loop, which optimizes resource utilization and enhances scalability.
  4. Scalability: Node.js excels at handling a large number of concurrent connections due to its event-driven architecture, making it highly scalable.
  5. No Buffering: Node.js eliminates the need for buffering data, resulting in faster processing times, especially when handling audio and video file uploads.
  6. Open-Source and Community-Driven: Node.js has a vibrant open-source community that contributes numerous modules, extending the capabilities of Node.js applications.
  7. MIT License: Node.js is released under the permissive MIT license, allowing for flexibility and freedom in usage.

By the end of this tutorial, you will have gained a solid foundation in Node.js, enabling you to develop efficient and scalable web applications. Let’s dive in!