Java Modifiers

Java Modifiers are keywords that have a special function. There are two basic types of Java modifiers. Java Access Modifiers Non Access Modifiers Java Access Modifiers Java Access Modifiers are the keywords that define the type of access of variable, method or class. They are written with the definition of class, method or variable. The … Read more

Java Operators

Java Operators are symbols that perform operations on variables and constants. Java Operators can be divided into the following types: Arithmetic Operators Relational Operators Bitwise Operators Logical Operators Assignment Operators MISC Operators Arithmetic Operators Arithmetic Operators are the symbols that perform mathematical operations on variables and constants. The below table shows a list of arithmetic … Read more

Java Abstraction

Java Abstraction means to hide some features (implementation details) of the code and display only necessary information to user. Abstraction is a fundamental feature of object oriented programming OOP language. Data abstraction provides the capability to hide implementation details of the data and show only needed information for user interaction to the outside world.  The … Read more

Java Constructors

Java Constructors are main part of a Java Class. Constructor is called when an object is created. It is a special method that initializes an object. Usually, constructors assign initial values to the object variables. The name of constructor is same as the name of class. Constructor should not have any explicit return type. It … Read more

Java Encapsulation

Data Encapsulation is an important feature of object oriented programming OOP language. Java Encapsulation means keeping some information (sensitive data) hidden and displaying only relevant information to user. It uses the concept of the concept of binding data and methods in a single unit called class. The phenomenon of combining similar data like variables and … Read more

Java RegEx

Java RegEx , Regular Expressions is a search pattern that contains sequence of characters. RegEx is used to search for words or characters in a text body. User creates specific search patterns to get the desired data. RegEx perform the process of searching and replacing the data. To create a Java Regex, user can use … Read more

Java Conditional Statements

Java conditional statements are the keywords that execute depending on the conditions defined by programmer. Often there comes a situation where a program needs to take a decision based on the user input or based on some pre defined conditions. In those cases decision making tools are required. Java provides conditional statements that help achieve … Read more

Java Inheritance

Java is object oriented programming OOP language so it provide the feature of Java Inheritance. Inheritance is the process of inheriting some or all feature of a class by another class. Inheritance provides a hierarchal structure to the code. Class features can be variables and methods. Inheritance works between classes. The classes in Java inheritance … Read more

Java Interfaces

Java Interface is a reference type. An interface is same as a class. The major difference is that Interface uses the keyword interface instead of class keyword. An interface is an abstract class. It contains abstract methods. Other than abstract methods, an interface also contains constants and default methods. Unlike classes, interfaces do not have … Read more

Java Loops

Java Loops are the keywords that are used to repeat lines of code multiple times. With Java loops same piece of code can be repeated multiple times without writing the same lines of code again and again. In programming, quite often there comes a situation when a programmer needs to repeat a piece of code … Read more