Java Break and Continue

Java break and continue statements are jump statements that ignore some piece of code and jump to the next piece of code. These keywords are used inside loops like while, do while loops and switch statements. Java Break Java break statement is used in switch statements. The break keyword breaks the loop and jumps out … Read more

Java Serialization

Java Serialization is a process of object serialization. In Java serialization, an object is represented as a sequence of bytes. This sequence of bytes is called byte stream. This sequence of bytes hold information about the object. This information includes the data of object and further type of that data. The purpose of Java serialization … Read more

Java Networking

Java Networking is the mechanism of sharing data among one of or more computing devices by creating networks. In order to share resources or data among multiple computing devices, Java Socket programming is used. The J2SE APIs provides package. This package has all the classes and interfaces needed to create connections through low level … Read more

Java Sending Email

Java programming language allows its users to send emails using the program. This process is called Java Sending Email. Java provides  JavaMail API to facilitate email sending process. There are various methods to send emails in Java. Most programming languages like python, provide tools to send emails. The prerequisites needed for sending emails in java … Read more

Java AWT

Java AWT stands for Abstract Window Toolkit. It is Java API that is used to create Graphical User Interface GUI in platform independent environment. Java AWT is used to create window based applications in Java language. Java AWT components are platform-dependent that means the components are displayed according to the view of OS. AWT is … Read more

Java Input and Output

Java Input and output are user interactions. Java Programming language allows to take input from user and display output.

Java Method

Java Method is a piece of code that performs function assigned to it. It runs only when it is called. Method is a part of java class. It is also called as function. Methods provide code reusability. There are two types of java methods: User defined Methods Standard Library Methods User Defined Java Method A … Read more

Java Generics

Java Generics is the method or class that can be used to on the parameter of different types like int. char, string etc. They are called parameterized types. For example there can be a sort generic that sorts an array of integers, characters and strings depending on the input. Hence Generics provide the feature of … Read more

Java Applet

Java Applet is a Java code that can be run in web browser. Java Applet uses complete Java API to create Java Applications that can perform any task at client side. These applets work as web pages inside browsers that can create dynamic data. An applet is similar to a java class. It extends from … Read more