C# Syntax:

As we know C# is an object-oriented programming language. Like other OOP languages, the C# program also consists of objects to interact with other actions called Methods. Some objects having same kind are said to be in same class The basic C# program syntax is given below: Syntax: Keywords: Using Keyword: The first statement in … Read more

C# Multithreading

Multithreading defines multiple threads which execute at the same time. As we know thread is known as the execution path for the program. Multithreading in C# is known as a process in which multiple threads work at the same time. Multithreading is used to achieve multi-tasking. Multi-Tasking saves time by executing multiple tasks at once. Multithreading … Read more

C# Tutorial

C# Introduction C# is a general-purpose object-oriented programming language which is created by Microsoft. Approved by International Standards Organization (ISO) and European Computer Manufacturers Association (ECMA). C# basically enables developers to build many types of safe and secure applications that run in the .NET ecosystem. C# is developed by Anders Hejlsberg within the .NET framework for Common Language … Read more

C# Tuple

A tuple is a data structure in the C# language. A tuple is known as the data structure that contains a sequence of elements having different data types. Syntax: Characteristics of Tuples: C# Tuple can store duplicate elements. Tuple allows to create, access and manipulate data set. Tuple also allows to represent multiple data into … Read more

C# Regular Expressions

C# Regular Expressions are used to do the pattern matching in C#. For this purpose regex classes are being used. Regular Expression is a pattern that is used to interpret and check whether the given input text is matching with the given pattern or not.  While writing the syntax of regular expressions there are many … Read more

C# Properties

Properties in C# are known as the members of a class that can be used to set and get the data from a data field of a class. Properties are not particularly used to store data in C#, they are just like an interface to transfer the data. Properties are defined as the named members … Read more

C# Indexers

Indexers in C# allow an object to be indexed like an Array. When you define an indexer for a class, this class behaves similar to a virtual array. You can then access the instance of this class using the array access operator ([ ]). In C#, Indexers are known as the special kind of attribute which allows … Read more

C# Reflection

Reflection objects in C# are mainly used to obtain type information at runtime in the system. These classes which allow access to metadata of any running program are meant to be in the System.Reflection namespaces. We can also say that Reflection is capable to get the type of information that describes different modules, parameters, and … Read more

C# Operator Overloading

Operator Overloading is defined as a process of defining and implementing the polymorphism technique. Operator Overloading in C# is consists of operators which are functions with special names the keyword operator followed by the symbol for the operator being defined. Syntax: Given below is the syntax of operator overloading implementation, Overloading can be done on both Unary … Read more

C# Delegates

C# Delegates are the reference type variables that hold the reference to a method. Delegates are similar to pointers to functions, in C or C++. The reference given to delegates can be changed at runtime. All delegates are implicitly derived from the System.Delegate class. They are used for implementing events and call-back methods. Declaring Delegates in C# … Read more