Variables in R

For storing data values variables are used as containers. For declaring variables in R doesn’t have a command. For creating a variable, you have to assign a value to it. For assigning a value to a variable, we need to use the sign (<-). To print the variable value, only type the variable name: Output: … Read more

Operators in R

In programming, an operator is a sign which represents an action. The operator in R is a symbol that tells the compiler to perform specific logical or mathematical manipulations. R programming is vast in built-in operators. There are several types of operators in R, and every operator performs a different task. Here are some modern … Read more

If Statement in R

If statement is used for decision making in R to help out to make a decision on the basis of condition. If statement in R is a conditional programming statement that displays the information if it is proved true. The if statement consists of the Boolean expressions followed by one or more statements. If statement … Read more

If-else statement in R

Another type of decision-making statement is an if-else statement. If-else statement in R is the if statement followed by an else statement. Else statement will be executed when the Boolean expression will false. In short, if a Boolean expression comes true, then the, if segment gets executed otherwise the else block, will get executed. Any … Read more

Else if statement in R

To test the different conditions this statement is used in single if….. Else if statement in R. This statement is followed by an optional else if…. Else. This is a conditional programming statement also known as a nested if-else statement. There are some points that are mandatory to understand when we are using the if…..else … Read more

Loop Control Statements

Loop control statements are used to change the execution from its normal sequence. When execution leaves a scope all automatic objects are destroyed that were created in scope. Following are some loop control statements in R language: Break Loop Control Statements in R To immediately exit from the loop and to break the execution of … Read more

Loops in R

Loops are executed with a block of code as long as a specified condition is reached. Loops in R are convenient and time-saving, mitigate errors, and make code easy to read. There may be a time come when you need to execute the block of code many numbers times. Normally statements are executed in sequence. … Read more

R While Loop

R while loop is a type of loop that is used to iterate a block of code multiple numbers of times to control the flow of statements. The while loop terminates when the value of the Boolean expression will be false. In a while loop, first of all, conditions will be checked and then the … Read more

R For Loop

R for loop is used to repeat a sequence of instructions in certain conditions. It permits us to run automatically of our code which needs repetition. In Short, for loop is an iterate control structure. It allows us to easily write the loop that needs to run a particular number of times. For loop can … Read more

R Repeat Loop

The R repeat loop is used for iterating a block of code. There is no condition to exit from the loop due to a special type of loop. For exiting, we add a break statement with a user-defined condition. This type of loop makes it different from the other loops. In R language repeat loop … Read more