Python Web Scraping Using BeautifulSoup.

Now let’s dive into how the web scraping is actually done. In python, we use a module called, bs4 to acquire BeautifulSoup which comes as a part of it. In addition, we do need requests module to actually send the HTTP request. Once you install both bs4 and requests modules, you can import them as … Read more

Loading Images on iOS 15

Images are used ubiquitously in apps — whether as icon indictors for buttons, in listing views as part of each item in a list, or to render a page of a document like what’s done by the PSPDFKit PDF SDK for iOS. Some of these images already exist in the local storage and are loaded … Read more

Python Web Scraping Using BeautifulSoup.

Now let’s dive into how the web scraping is actually done. In python, we use a module called, bs4 to acquire BeautifulSoup which comes as a part of it. In addition, we do need requests module to actually send the HTTP request. Once you install both bs4 and requests modules, you can import them as … Read more