//**************************************************************************************************************// // This code has been written by TutorialsArt.com // Distribution of the code is permitted if and only if you do not delete these lines. //**************************************************************************************************************// // // ### HEADER FILES ### // #include<fstream.h> //for reading and writing files #include<conio.h> //for clrscr() #include<string.h> //for string characters #include<stdio.h> //for gets and puts function #include<process.h> //for exit function #include<iomanip.h> //for setw function #include<dos.h> //for delay and sleep function #include<graphics.h> //for textcolor & textbackground class Cls_Consumer { int Customer_No; char Customer_Name[20]; char Customer_Address[20]; int Servince_no,Smart_Card_no,Phone_no; float i; public: //FUNCTION TO ENTER THE VALUES public: void Entering_fn() { clrscr(); textcolor(RED); gotoxy(32,4); cputs("Shop Name"); gotoxy(5,8); cputs("Customer ID :"); gotoxy(5,10); cputs("Customer name :"); gotoxy(5,12); cputs("Customer Customer_Address :"); gotoxy(5,14); cputs("Customer Service number :"); gotoxy(5,16); cputs("Costumer Smart card number :"); gotoxy(5,18); cputs("Costumer Phone number :"); gotoxy(5,20); cputs("Customer Bill number :"); gotoxy(45,8); cin>>Customer_No; gotoxy(45,10); gets(Customer_Name); gotoxy(45,12); gets(Customer_Address); gotoxy(45,14); cin>>Servince_no; gotoxy(45,16); cin>>Smart_Card_no; gotoxy(45,18); cin>>Phone_no; gotoxy(45,20); cin>>i; } //FUNCTION TO DISPLAY THE VALUES void Dispaly_Data_fn() { cout<<"\n\n"; gotoxy(5,8); cputs("Customer ID :"); cout<<Customer_No; gotoxy(5,10); cputs("Customer name :"); puts(Customer_Name); gotoxy(5,12); cout<<"Customer Customer_Address :"<<Customer_Address; gotoxy(5,14); cout<<"Customer Service number :" <<Servince_no; gotoxy(5,16); cout<<"Costumer Smart card number :"<<Smart_Card_no; gotoxy(5,18); cout<<"Costumer Phone number :"<<Phone_no; gotoxy(5,20); cout<<"Customer Bill number :"<<i<<"\n"; } int rcno() { return Customer_No; } }Phone_no; //FUNCTION TO WRITE THE VALUES void Write_details_fn() { char ch; Cls_Consumer Phone_no; fstream f1; Phone_no.Entering_fn(); f1.open("main.dat",ios::app|ios::binary); cout<<"\n\n\tDO you want to save the record(y/n)\t"; cin>>ch; if(ch=='y') { f1.Write_details_fn((char*)&Phone_no,sizeof(Phone_no)); } f1.close(); } //FUNCTION TO READ THE VALUES void Read_details_fn() { Cls_Consumer Phone_no; fstream f1; f1.open("main.dat",ios::in|ios::binary); while(!f1.eof()) { f1.Read_details_fn((char*)&Phone_no,sizeof(Phone_no)); Phone_no.Dispaly_Data_fn(); if(f1.eof()) { cout<<"\n\n End of the file reached\n\n"; } } f1.close(); } //FUNCTION FOR SEARCHING THE RECORD void Search_Records_fn() { Cls_Consumer Phone_no; int rn; char found='n'; ifstream f1("main.dat",ios::in); cout<<"\n\n Enter Customer ID you want to SEARCH :\t"; cin>>rn; while(!f1.eof()) { f1.Read_details_fn((char*)&Phone_no,sizeof(Phone_no)); if(Phone_no.rcno()==rn) { Phone_no.Dispaly_Data_fn(); found='y'; break; } } if(found=='n') cout<<"\n\n\tRECORD NOT FOUND!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n"<<endl; f1.close(); } //FUNCTION TO DELELTE THE RECORD void Delete_Record_fn() { ifstream f1("main.dat",ios::in); ofstream f2("temp.dat",ios::out); int rno; char found='f',confirm='n'; cout<<"\n\n Enter Customer ID you want to DELETE :\t"; cin>>rno; while(!f1.eof()) { f1.Read_details_fn((char*)&Phone_no,sizeof(Phone_no)); if(Phone_no.rcno()==rno) { Phone_no.Dispaly_Data_fn(); found='t'; cout<<"\n\n Are you sure want to DELETE this record ? (y/n)\t"; cin>>confirm; if(confirm=='n') f2.Write_details_fn((char*)&Phone_no,sizeof(Phone_no)); } else f2.Write_details_fn((char*)&Phone_no,sizeof(Phone_no)); } if(found=='f') cout<<"\n\n\tRECORD NOT FOUND\n"; f1.close(); f2.close(); remove("main.dat"); rename("temp.dat","main.dat"); f1.open("main.dat",ios::in); clrscr(); cout<<"\n\n\n Now the file contains\n\n\n"; while(!f1.eof()) { f1.Read_details_fn((char*)&Phone_no,sizeof(Phone_no)); if(f1.eof()) Phone_no.Dispaly_Data_fn(); } f1.close(); } //FUNCTION TO MODIFY THE RECORD void Update_Record_fn() { fstream f1("main.dat",ios::in | ios::out | ios::binary); int rno; long pos; char found='f'; cout<<"\n\n Enter the Customer ID you want to MODIFY :\t"; cin>>rno; while(!f1.eof()) { pos=f1.tellg(); f1.Read_details_fn((char*)&Phone_no,sizeof(Phone_no)); if(Phone_no.rcno()==rno) { Phone_no.Entering_fn(); f1.seekg(pos); f1.Write_details_fn((char*)&Phone_no,sizeof(Phone_no)); found='t'; break; } } if(found=='f') cout<<"\n\n\tRECORD NOT FOUND\n"; f1.seekg(0); clrscr(); cout<<"\n Now the file contains\n\n"; Phone_no.Dispaly_Data_fn(); f1.close(); getch(); } //STARTING OF THE VOID MAIN void main() { textbackground(LIGHTBLUE); unsigned int SumVar,AddVar,d,j,e,f,g,h,k,l,w,x,y,z,choice; int abis=0,apep=0,aden=0,amun=0,aperk=0,acoc=0,atit=0,alux=0,atid=0,aree=0; unsigned int m=0,n=0,o=0,p=0,q=0,r=0,s=0,t=0,u=0,v=0; int pend=0,print=0,graph=0,ram=0,hard=0,win=0,ant=0,p1=0,p2=0,g1=0,r1=0,h1=0,w1=0,an1=0,mo=0,mous=0,web=0,aweb=0,asc=0,scan=0,total=0; char pu,str[10],yes,et; clrscr(); // WELCOME SCREEN clrscr(); lab:; cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\t WELCOME\n\n"; cout<<"\t\t\t\t TO\n\n"; cout<<"\t\t\t\t THE\n\n"; cout<<"\t\t\t tUTORIALSART.COM (YOUR SHOP)\n"; getch(); clrscr(); pass:; cout<<"\n\n\tPLEASE BE CAREFUL ENTER THE PASSWORD IN SMALL LETTERS\n"; cout<<"\n\t\tPASSWORD DOES NOT CONTAINS ANY NUMBER\n\n\n"; cout<<"\n\n\t\t\tEnter your Password\t"; str[0]=getch(); cout<<"*"; str[1]=getch(); cout<<"*"; str[2]=getch(); cout<<"*"; str[3]=getch(); cout<<"*"; str[4]=getch(); cout<<"*"; str[5]=getch(); cout<<"*"; str[6]=getch(); cout<<"*"; str[7]='\0'; cout<<"*"; if(strcmp(str,"password")==0) { cout<<"\n\n\n\t\tPLEASE WAIT WHILE LOADING THE PROJECT..."; } else { cout<<"\n\n\t\t\t$$$$$$ Wrong password $$$$$$\n"; cout<<"\n\n\t\t\t%%%%%% Please re-enter the password%%%%%%\n"; getch(); k++; //getch(); if(k==3) { cout<<"\nExiting from the project!!!!! Bye\n"; getch(); exit(0); } goto pass; } textcolor(RED); clrscr(); gotoxy(1,6); textcolor(MAGENTA); cputs(" A project by Tutorialsart.com \n"); printf(" \n"); printf("********************************************************************************"); textcolor(LIGHTCYAN+BLINK); gotoxy(45,48); cputs("PRESS ENTER TO CONTINUE!!!!!!"); getch(); clrscr(); //DETAILS OF THIS PROJECT gotoxy(25,10); textcolor(RED); cputs("WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF COMPUTERS ."); gotoxy(5,15); cputs("THIS PROJECT CONTAINS SOME ITEMS AND SIMPLE THING YOU HAVE TO DO IS:-"); gotoxy(5,17); cputs("ENTER THE NAME , CUSTOMER ID , SERIAL NUMBER , SMART CARD NUMBER etc."); gotoxy(5,19); cputs("THEN PURCHASE THE ITEMS AND REMEMBER THE QUANTITY ITEMS CARRY."); gotoxy(5,21); cputs("YOU CAN ALSO MODIFY , DELETE , SEARCH A RECORD."); gotoxy(5,23); cputs("YOU CAN ALSO ALL RECORDS YOU HAVE ENTERED IN YOUR COMPUTER."); gotoxy(5,25); cputs("BUT DO NOT EXPECT FOR ANY DISCOUNT."); gotoxy(5,27); cputs("WE HOPE THAT YOU WILL BE SATISFIED WITH OUR SERVICE."); gotoxy(5,29); cputs("WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DEFECT IN THE PRODUCT YOU PURCHASE."); getch(); clrscr(); //LOADING THE PROJECT gotoxy(32,13); textcolor(LIGHTGREEN); cputs("********************"); gotoxy(32,15); cputs("LOADING YOUR PROJECT"); gotoxy(32,17); cputs("********************"); gotoxy(32,20); textcolor(MAGENTA+BLINK); cputs("PLEASE WAIT........."); textcolor(RED+GREEN); delay(500); gotoxy(32,35); cputs("10 % completed.."); delay(500); gotoxy(32,35); cputs("20 % completed..."); delay(500); gotoxy(32,35); cputs("30 % completed...."); delay(500); gotoxy(32,35); cputs("40 % completed....."); delay(500); gotoxy(32,35); cputs("50 % completed......"); delay(500); gotoxy(32,35); cputs("60 % completed......."); delay(500); gotoxy(32,35); cputs("70 % completed........"); delay(500); gotoxy(32,35); cputs("80 % completed........."); delay(500); gotoxy(32,35); cputs("90 % completed.........."); delay(500); gotoxy(32,35); cputs("100 % completed..........."); delay(500); // TO PURCHASE ,SEARCH ,MODIFY ,DELETE ,DISPLAY ALL RECORDS ,DETAILS ,NEW CUSTOMER again:; clrscr(); textbackground(LIGHTBLUE); textcolor(GREEN); cout<<" \t\t\t$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$"; cout<<"\n\n\t\t\t* 1.NEW CUSTOMER *"; cout<<"\n\n\t\t\t* 2.DETAILS *"; cout<<"\n\n\t\t\t* 3.SEARCH A RECORD *"; cout<<"\n\n\t\t\t* 4.DELETE A RECORD *"; cout<<"\n\n\t\t\t* 5.MODIFY A RECORD *"; cout<<"\n\n\t\t\t* 6.DISPLAY ALL RECORDS *"; cout<<"\n\n\t\t\t* 7.QUANTITY AVAILABLE *"; cout<<"\n\n\t\t\t* 0.EXIT *\n"; cout<<"\n\t\t\t$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$"; cout<<"\n\n\n\n\t Enter your choice :\t"; cin>>d; switch(d) { case 1: clrscr(); textcolor(WHITE); cout<<"\n\n\n\t\t\t S.T.A.R COMPUTERS"; cout<<"\n\n\n\t\t\t COSUMER INFORMATION"; // TO ENTER THE DETAILS OF THE COSTUMER Write_details_fn(); // ITEMS AND THIER RATES start: cout<<"\n\n\nDO YOU WANT TO PURCHASE(Y/N):\n\n"; cin>>pu; if(pu=='Y'||pu=='y') { clrscr(); // PURCHASE LIST items:; cout<<"\n\t\t\t\t*************"; cout<<"\n\t\t\t\tPURCHASE LIST"; cout<<"\n\t\t\t\t*************\n\n\n\n"; cout<<"\n\n\t\t\t1.PENDRIVE"; cout<<"\n\n\t\t\t2.SCANNER"; cout<<"\n\n\t\t\t3.PRINTER"; cout<<"\n\n\t\t\t4.WEBCAM"; cout<<"\n\n\t\t\t5.GRAPHIC CARD"; cout<<"\n\n\t\t\t6.RAM"; cout<<"\n\n\t\t\t7.HARD DISK"; cout<<"\n\n\t\t\t8.WINDOWS ORIGINAL CD'S"; cout<<"\n\n\t\t\t9.ANTIVIRUS"; cout<<"\n\n\t\t\t10.MOUSE"; cout<<"\n\n\n\t\t\tEnter your choice\t"; cin>>choice; if(choice==1) { //ITEMS AND RATES bis:; clrscr(); cout<<"\n\n\t\t\t\tPENDRIVES\n\n"; cout<<"\n ITEMS\t\t\t\t\tRATE\n"; cout<<"\n 1. 2GB\t\t\t\t\t350\n"; cout<<" 2. 4GB\t\t\t\t\t500\n"; cout<<" 3. 5GB\t\t\t\t\t700\n"; cout<<" 4. 8GB\t\t\t\t\t800\n"; cout<<" 5. 16GB\t\t\t\t\t1800\n"; cout<<" 6. 32GB\t\t\t\t\t2400\n"; cout<<" 7. 64GB\t\t\t\t\t3000\n"; cout<<"\n\n\tWhich PENDRIVE you want to purchase\t"; cin>>p1; if(p1==1) { pend=350; } else if(p1==2) { pend=500; } else if(p1==3) { pend=700; } else if (p1==4) { pend=800; } else if(p1==5) { pend=1800; } else if(p1==6) { pend=2400; } else if(p1==7) { pend=3000; } else if(p1==0) { goto items; } else if(p1!=1||p1!=2||p2!=3||p1!=4||p1!=5||p1!=6||p1!=7) { cout<<"\n\n\tOOPS!!!!!!! Wrong choice\n\n"; getch(); goto bis; } cout<<"\n\tPENDRIVE(MAX 5): \t"; cin>>m; if(m>5) { cout<<"\n\n\tEnter Quantity Smaller than 5"; getch(); goto items; } else abis=1000-m; cout<<"\n\tDO you want to purchase more(y/n)"; cin>>yes; if(yes=='y') { clrscr(); goto items; } else { clrscr(); goto cash; } } if(choice==2) { pep:; clrscr(); cout<<"\n\n\t\t\t\tSCANNER\n\n"; cout<<"\n ITEMS\t\t\t\tRATE\n"; cout<<"\n 1.FLATBED\t\t\t\t5000\n"; cout<<" 2.SHETFED\t\t\t\t6000\n"; cout<<" 3.PHOTO SCANNER\t\t\t4500\n"; cout<<" 4.FILM SCANNER\t\t\t8000\n"; cout<<" 5.PORTABLE SCANNER\t\t\t10000\n"; cout<<"\n\n\tWhich SCANNER do you want to purchase\t"; cin>>scan; if(scan==1) { asc=5000; } else if(scan==2) { asc=6000; } else if(scan==3) { asc=4500; } else if(scan==4) { asc=8000; } else if(scan==5) { asc=10000; } else if(scan==0) { goto items; } else if(scan!=1||scan!=2||scan!=3||scan!=4||p1!=5) { cout<<"\n\n\tOOPS!!!!!!! Wrong choice\n\n"; getch(); goto pep; } cout<<"\n\n\tSCANNER(MAX 5):\t "; cin>>n; if(n>5) { cout<<"\n\n\tEnter Quantity Smaller than 5"; getch(); goto items; } else apep=1000-n; cout<<"\n\tDO you want to purchase more(y/n)"; cin>>yes; if(yes=='y') { clrscr(); goto items; } else { clrscr(); goto cash; } } if(choice==3) { den:; clrscr(); cout<<"\n\n\t\t\t\tPRINTER\n\n"; cout<<"\n ITEMS\t\t\t\tRATE\n"; cout<<"\n 1. HP Laser jet\t\t\t2000\n"; cout<<" 2. DOT Matrix Printer\t\t\t500\n"; cout<<"\n\n\tWhich PRINTER you want to purchase\t"; cin>>p2; if(p2==1) { print=500; } else if(p2==2) { print=2000; } else if(p2==0) { goto items; } else if(p2!=1||p2!=2) { cout<<"\n\n\tOOPS!!!!!!! Wrong choice\n\n"; getch(); goto den; } cout<<"\n\tPRINTER(MAX 5):\t "; cin>>o; if(o>5) { cout<<"\n\n\tEnter Quantity Smaller than 5"; goto items; } else aden=110-o; cout<<"\n\tDO you want to purchase more(y/n)"; cin>>yes; if(yes=='y') { clrscr(); goto items; } else { clrscr(); goto cash; } } if(choice==4) { mun:; clrscr(); cout<<"\n\n\t\t\t\tWEBCAM\n\n"; cout<<"\n ITEMS\t\t\t\t\tRATE\n"; cout<<"\n 1.5 PIXEL\t\t\t\t\t1500\n"; cout<<" 2.8 PIXEL\t\t\t\t\t6000\n"; cout<<" 3.12 PIXEL\t\t\t\t\t12000\n"; cout<<"\n\n\tWhich WEBCAM you want to purchase\t"; cin>>web; if(web==1) { aweb=1500; } else if(web==2) { aweb=6000; } else if(web==3) { aweb=12000; } else if(web==0) { goto items; } else if(web!=1||web!=2||web!=3) { cout<<"\n\n\tOOPS!!!!!!! Wrong choice\n\n"; getch(); goto mun; } cout<<"\n\n\tWEBCAM(MAX 5):\t "; cin>>p; if(p>5) { cout<<"\n\n\tEnter Quantity Smaller than 5"; getch(); goto items; } else amun=1000-p; cout<<"\n\tDO you want to purchase more(y/n)"; cin>>yes; if(yes=='y') { clrscr(); goto items; } else { clrscr(); goto cash; } } if(choice==5) { park:; clrscr(); cout<<"\n\n\t\t\t\tGRAPHIC CARD\n\n"; cout<<"\n ITEMS\t\t\t\t\tRATE\n"; cout<<"\n 1. 32 bit\t\t\t\t\t5000\n"; cout<<" 2. 64 bit\t\t\t\t\t8000\n"; cout<<"\n\n\tWhich GRAPHIC CARD you want to purchase\t"; cin>>g1; if(g1==1) { graph=5000; } else if(g1==2) { graph=8000; } else if(g1==0) { goto items; } else if(g1!=1||g1!=2) { cout<<"\n\n\tOOPS!!!!!!! Wrong choice\n\n"; getch(); goto park; } cout<<"\n\tGRAPHIC CARD(MAX 5):\t "; cin>>q; if(q>5) { cout<<"\n\n\tEnter Quantity Smaller than 5"; getch(); goto items; } else aperk=500-q; cout<<"\n\tDO you want to purchase more(y/n)"; cin>>yes; if(yes=='y') { clrscr(); goto items; } else { clrscr(); goto cash; } } if(choice==6) { coco:; clrscr(); cout<<"\n\n\t\t\t\tRAM\n\n"; cout<<"\n ITEMS\t\t\t\t\tRATE\n"; cout<<"\n 1. 1GB\t\t\t\t\t2000\n"; cout<<" 2. 2GB\t\t\t\t\t4000\n"; cout<<"\n\n\tWhich RAM you want to purchase\t"; cin>>r1; if(r1==1) { ram=2000; } else if(r1==2) { ram=4000; } else if(r1==0) { goto items; } else if(r1!=1||r1!=2) { cout<<"\n\n\tOOPS!!!!!!! Wrong choice\n\n"; getch(); goto coco; } cout<<"\n\tRAM(MAX 2): "; cin>>r; if(r>2) { cout<<"\n\n\tEnter Quantity Smaller than 2"; getch(); goto items; } else acoc=400-r; cout<<"\n\tDO you want to purchase more(y/n)"; cin>>yes; if(yes=='y') { clrscr(); goto items; } else { clrscr(); goto cash; } } if(choice==7) { titan:; clrscr(); cout<<"\n\n\t\t\t\tHARD DISK\n\n"; cout<<"\n ITEMS\t\t\t\t\tRATE\n"; cout<<"\n 1. 20GB\t\t\t\t\t1500\n"; cout<<" 2. 50GB\t\t\t\t\t2000\n"; cout<<" 3. 80GB\t\t\t\t\t3000\n"; cout<<" 4. 160GB\t\t\t\t\t5000\n"; cout<<" 5. 320GB\t\t\t\t\t8000\n"; cout<<"\n\n\tWhich HARD DISK you want to purchase\t"; cin>>h1; if(h1==1) { hard=1500; } else if(h1==2) { hard=2000; } else if(h1==3) { hard=3000; } else if(h1==4) { hard=5000; } else if(h1==5) { hard=8000; } else if(h1==0) { goto items; } else if(h1!=1||h1!=2||h1!=3||h1!=4||h1!=5) { cout<<"\n\n\tOOPS!!!!!!! Wrong choice\n\n"; getch(); goto titan; } cout<<"\n\tHARD DISK(MAX 5):\t "; cin>>s; if(s>5) { cout<<"\n\n\tEnter Quantity Smaller than 5"; getch(); goto items; } else atit=100-s; cout<<"\n\tDO you want to purchase more(y/n)"; cin>>yes; if(yes=='y') { clrscr(); goto items; } else { clrscr(); goto cash; } } if(choice==8) { lux:; clrscr(); cout<<"\n\n\t\t\t\tWINDOWS ORIGINAL CD'S\n\n"; cout<<"\n ITEMS\t\t\t\tRATE\n"; cout<<"\n 1. 98\t\t\t\t\t1500\n"; cout<<" 2. 2000\t\t\t\t2000\n"; cout<<" 3. XP\t\t\t\t\t4000\n"; cout<<" 4. VISTA\t\t\t\t8000\n"; cout<<" 5. windows7\t\t\t\t11000\n"; cout<<"\n\n\tWhich WINDOWS CD you want to purchase\t"; cin>>w1; if(w1==1) { win=1500; } else if(w1==2) { win=2000; } else if(w1==3) { win=4000; } else if(w1==4) { win=8000; } else if(w1==5) { win=11000; } else if(w1==0) { goto items; } else if(w1!=1||w1!=2||w1!=3||w1!=4||w1!=5) { cout<<"\n\n\tOOPS!!!!!!!Wrong choice\n\n"; getch(); goto lux; } cout<<"\n\tWINDOWS ORIGINAL CD(MAX 5):\t "; cin>>t; if(t>5) { cout<<"\n\n\tEnter Quantity Smaller than 5"; getch(); goto items; } else alux=1000-t; cout<<"\n\tDO you want to purchase more(y/n)"; cin>>yes; if(yes=='y') { clrscr(); goto items; } else { clrscr(); goto cash; } } if(choice==9) { tid:; clrscr(); cout<<"\n\n\t\t\t\tANTIVIRUS\n\n"; cout<<"\n ITEMS\t\t\t\tRATE\n"; cout<<"\n 1. NORTON\t\t\t\t1500\n"; cout<<" 2. AVIRA\t\t\t\t1200\n"; cout<<" 3. QUICKHEAL\t\t\t\t1300\n"; cout<<"\n\n\tWhich ANTIVIRUS you want to purchase\t"; cin>>an1; if(an1==1) { ant=1500; } else if(an1==2) { ant=1200; } else if(an1==3) { ant=1300; } else if(an1==0) { goto items; } else if(an1!=1||an1!=2||an1!=3) { cout<<"\n\n\tOOPS!!!!!!!Wrong choice\n\n"; getch(); goto tid; } cout<<"\n\tANTI VIRUS(MAX 5): "; cin>>u; if(u>5) { cout<<"\n\n\tEnter Quantity Smaller than 5"; getch(); goto items; } else atid=1000-u; cout<<"\n\tDO you want to purchase more(y/n)"; cin>>yes; if(yes=='y') { clrscr(); goto items; } else { clrscr(); goto cash; } } if(choice==10) { ree:; clrscr(); cout<<"\n\n\t\t\t\tMOUSE\n\n"; cout<<"\n ITEMS\t\t\t\tRATE\n"; cout<<"\n 1.BALL MOUSE\t\t\t\t150\n"; cout<<" 2.LASER MOUSE\t\t\t\t300\n"; cout<<"\n\n\tWhich MOUSE do you want to purchase\t"; cin>>mous; if(mous==1) { mo=150; } else if(mous==2) { mo=300; } else if(mous==0) { goto items; } else if(mous!=1||mous!=2) { cout<<"\n\n\tOOPS!!!!!!!Wrong choice\n\n"; getch(); goto ree; } cout<<"\n\tMOUSE(MAX 2):\t "; cin>>v; if(v>2) { cout<<"\n\n\tEnter Quantity Smaller than 2"; getch(); goto items; } else aree=300-v; cout<<"\n\tDO you want to purchase more(y/n)"; cin>>yes; if(yes=='y') { clrscr(); goto items; //GO BACK TO PURCHASE LIST } else { clrscr(); goto cash; //TO DISPLAY BILL } } cout<<"\n\n\n"; clrscr(); cash:; cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\t S.T.A.R COMPUTERS\n"; cout<<"\n\n\t\t\t\t CASH MEMO\n"; cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; //TO DISPLAY THE INFORMATION OF THE CUSTOMER Phone_no.Dispaly_Data_fn(); //TO DISPLAY THE CASH MEMO cout<<"\n\n\n\n"; cout<<"==============================================================================="; cout<<"\nITEMS" <<setw(40)<<"QUANTITY"<<setw(35)<<"PRICE(Rs.)"; cout<<"==============================================================================="; if(m>0) cout<<"\n\nPENDRIVE" <<setw(35)<<m<<setw(28)<<"Rs."<<m*pend; if(n>0) cout<<"\n\nSCANNER" <<setw(36)<<n<<setw(28)<<"Rs."<<n*asc; if(o>0) cout<<"\n\nPRINTER" <<setw(36)<<o<<setw(28)<<"Rs."<<o*print; if(p>0) cout<<"\n\nWEBCAM" <<setw(37)<<p<<setw(28)<<"Rs."<<p*aweb; if(q>0) cout<<"\n\nGRAPHIC CARD" <<setw(31)<<q<<setw(28)<<"Rs."<<q*graph; if(r>0) cout<<"\n\nRAM" <<setw(40)<<r<<setw(28)<<"Rs."<<r*ram; if(s>0) cout<<"\n\nHARD DISK" <<setw(34)<<s<<setw(28)<<"Rs."<<s*hard; if(t>0) cout<<"\n\nWINDOWS ORIGINAL CD" <<setw(24)<<t<<setw(28)<<"Rs."<<t*win; if(u>0) cout<<"\n\nANTIVIRUS" <<setw(34)<<u<<setw(28)<<"Rs."<<u*ant; if(v>0) cout<<"\n\nMOUSE" <<setw(38)<<v<<setw(28)<<"Rs."<<v*mo; e=m*pend; f=n*asc; g=o*print; h=p*aweb; k=q*graph; l=r*ram; w=s*hard; x=t*win; y=u*ant; z=v*mo; SumVar=e+f+g+h+k+l+w+x+y+z; //TOTAL BILL AddVar=m+n+o+p+q+r+s+t+u+v; //QUANTITY OF ITEMS cout<<"\n==============================================================================="; cout<<"\nTOTAL:"<<setw(38)<<AddVar<<setw(27)<<"Rs."<<SumVar; money:; cout<<"\n\n\n\n\t\t\tEnter the cash paid\t"; cin>>total; cout<<"\n\n\n\t\t\tCASH RECIEVED :"<<total; if(total<SumVar) { cout<<"\n\n\tThe money you paid is less !!!! Please pay more money"; getch(); goto money; } clrscr(); cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\t NO CREDIT OF THE ADDITIONAL DUTY OF"; cout<<"\n\n\t CUSTOMS LEVIED UNDER SECTION (5) OF"; cout<<"\n\n\t SECTION-3 OF THE CUSTOMS TARIFF ACT"; cout<<"\n\n\t 1975 HAVE BEEN AVAILED/SHALL BE ADMISSABLE\n\n"; cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\t\tCASH RECEIVED :\t"<<total; cout<<"\n\n\t\tCASH AMOUNT :\t"<<SumVar; cout<<"\n\n\t\tBALANCE RETURNED :\t"<<total-SumVar; cout<<"\n\n\tTHANK YOU .\t\t\t\tVISIT US AGAIN\n"; cout<<"\n\n\tTHANK YOU FOR USING OUR SERVICE\n\n"; getch(); goto again; } else { clrscr(); getch(); goto again; } case 2: //TO DISPLAY THE CANTEEN DETAILS clrscr(); cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\tSHOP DETAILS\n\n\n"; cout<<"\n\t%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%\n\n"; cout<<"\t\t # TIMING: 11 AM TO 02 PM & 03 PM TO 05 PM \n"; cout<<"\t\t # SHOP WILL CLOSED ON TUESDAY. \n"; cout<<"\t\t # GOODS ONCE SOLD WILL NOT BE EXCHANGED/REPLACED. \n"; cout<<"\t\t # TAKE YOUR SMART CARD WITH YOU. \n"; cout<<"\t\t # COLLECT YOUR SMART CARD & BILL AFTER PAYMENT. \n"; cout<<"\t\t # DO NOT BREAK ANY SHOP ITEMS. \n"; cout<<"\t\t # FOR ANY COMPLAINT CONTACT THE CHAIR PERSON. \n"; cout<<"\t\t # 25 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE. \n"; cout<<"\t\t # CHAIR PERSON :- MR. BHAVISHAY NIGAM. \n"; cout<<"\t\t # AN ISO 9001-2000 CERTIFIED COMPANY. \n"; cout<<"\t\t # WELL QUALIFIED STAFF MEMBERS. \n"; cout<<"\t\t # Email :- www.star_computers.com \n"; cout<<"\n\t%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%\n\n"; getch(); clrscr(); goto again; case 3: //TO SEARCH THE RECORDS clrscr(); Search_Records_fn(); getch(); goto again; case 4: //TO DELETE THE RECORDS clrscr(); Delete_Record_fn(); getch(); goto again; case 5: //TO MODIFY THE RECORDS clrscr(); Update_Record_fn(); getch(); goto again; case 6: //TO DISPLAY ALL SAVED RECORDS { clrscr(); Read_details_fn(); getch(); goto again; } case 7: //TO DISPLAY THE QUANTITY AVAILABLE IN THE SHOP clrscr(); if(m>0||n>0||o>0||p>0||q>0||r>0||s>0||t>0||u>0||v>0) { cout<<"\n\t\t\tItems Avaliable in shop.\n\n\n"; cout<<"==============================================================================="; cout<<"\nITEMS" <<setw(40)<<"QUANTITY"; cout<<"\n==============================================================================="; cout<<"\n\n\nPENDRIVE" <<setw(37)<<abis; cout<<"\n\n\nSCANNER" <<setw(38)<<apep; cout<<"\n\n\nPRINTER" <<setw(38)<<aden; cout<<"\n\n\nWEBCAM" <<setw(39)<<amun; cout<<"\n\n\nGRAPHIC CARD" <<setw(33)<<aperk; cout<<"\n\n\nRAM" <<setw(42)<<acoc; cout<<"\n\n\nHARD DISK" <<setw(35)<<atit; cout<<"\n\n\nWINDOWS ORIGINAL CD" <<setw(26)<<alux; cout<<"\n\n\nANTIVIRUS" <<setw(36)<<atid; cout<<"\n\n\nMOUSE" <<setw(40)<<aree; cout<<"\n*******************************************************************************"; getch(); goto again; } else { { cout<<"\n\t\t\tItems Avaliable in shop.\n\n\n"; cout<<"==============================================================================="; cout<<"\nITEMS" <<setw(40)<<"QUANTITY"; cout<<"\n==============================================================================="; cout<<"\n\n\nPENDRIVE" <<setw(37)<<1000; cout<<"\n\n\nSCANNER" <<setw(38)<<1000; cout<<"\n\n\nPRINTER" <<setw(37)<<110; cout<<"\n\n\nWEBCAM" <<setw(39)<<1000; cout<<"\n\n\nGRAPHIC CARD" <<setw(32)<<500; cout<<"\n\n\nRAM" <<setw(41)<<400; cout<<"\n\n\nHARD DISK" <<setw(35)<<100; cout<<"\n\n\nWINDOWS ORIGINAL CD" <<setw(26)<<1000; cout<<"\n\n\nANTIVIRUS" <<setw(36)<<1000; cout<<"\n\n\nMOUSE" <<setw(39)<<300; cout<<"\n\n*******************************************************************************"; getch(); goto again; } case 0: //TO EXIT FROM THE PROGRAM clrscr(); cout<<"\n\n\n\t\tARE YOU SURE TO EXIT FROM THE PROGRAM\t"; cin>>et; if(et=='y') { goto ex; } else { goto again; } ex:; clrscr(); textcolor(RED); sleep(1); clrscr(); gotoxy(35,10); cout<<" THANKS "; sleep(1); clrscr(); gotoxy(35,20); cout<<" THANKS "; sleep(1); clrscr(); gotoxy(28,30); cout<<" THANK YOU FOR USING THE PROJECT\n\n\n\n "; gotoxy(35,35); textcolor(GREEN+BLINK); gotoxy(35,25); textcolor(RED+YELLOW); delay(1000); cputs("HAVE A NICE DAY"); gotoxy(45,45); textcolor(YELLOW+BLINK); cputs("Press ENTER to EXIT......."); getch(); exit(0); default: cout<<"OOPS!!!!!!!! Your choice is WRONG"; getch(); goto again; } } } //END OF VOID MAIN //END OF COMPUTERS DIRECTORY