Python DataBase Access

The database is a collection of tables related to each other via columns. For most real-world projects, a database is very important. To create, access, and manipulate data we can use SQL (Structured Query Language).To avoid redundancy of data we can also use normalization. For Python database Access programming, Python supports many database servers such … Read more

Python XML Processing

Python XML Processing is another advanced python processing. XML Extensible Markup Language is a markup language that allows developers to develop applications that can be read by other applications. XML is a portable, open-source language. It encodes documents by defining a set of rules in both machine-readable and human-readable format. Extended from SGML Standard Generalized … Read more

GUI-Geometry Management

In Python, Tkinter widgets allow access to specific GUI-geometry management methods. These geometry management methods used to organize widgets throughout the parent widget area. Widgets can be arranged by determining the size and position of components. The geometry managers always set the positioning and sizing. There are 3 main GUI-Geometry Management given below: The pack( … Read more

Difference between Python 2 and Python 3

From the time Python was first released till now it has come with variant and advanced versions. Every version is better than earlier. In this section, we are going to review the Difference between Python 2 and Python 3. For better understanding of Python 2 and Python 3 version have a look on these tables. … Read more

List list(seq) Function

In Python list list(seq) function takes types of the sequence and converts them to lists. Simply used to convert tuple into list. Syntax: There is 1 Parameter used in Lists list(seq) Function: seq A tuple to be converted into the list. Example:

Python Regular Expressions

A Regular Expression (RegEx) represents a group of characters that forms a search pattern used for matching/searching within strings. Python Regular Expressions is a special sequence of characters that helps you match/find other strings or sets of strings, using a specialized syntax held in a pattern. There is a module named “re” which provides python regular expressions support. It comprises functions … Read more

Python Object-Oriented

Python is also known as a high-level programming language with a multi-paradigm, one of those paradigms is Python Object-Oriented Programming. Object-oriented programming is a programming technique that most high-level programming languages support. In this class and objects are used to make a program. Here are some terminologies which are used in Python object-oriented programing described below, … Read more

Python CGI Programming

Python CGI Programming is a Common Gateway Interface that has specifications (set of rules) that helps to establish a dynamic interaction between a web application and the browser (or the client application). The CGI programs make possible communication between clients and web servers. Whenever the client browser sends a request to the webserver the CGI … Read more

List extend(seq) Method

In Python Built-In List extend(seq) method is used to append the contents of seq to given list. Syntax: There is 1 Parameter used in list extend(seq) method: seq Shows the list of the element. Example:

List sort() Method

In Python Built-In List sort() method is used to sort objects of given list, and use compare func if given. Syntax: No Parameter is used in list sort() method. Example: