CSS Paged media

CSS Paged media properties control the presentation of content for print or any other media that splits content into discrete pages. It allows you to set page breaks, control printable area, style left and right pages differently, and control breaks inside elements.

CSS Paged media-properties

It has following properties:

  • page-break-before
  • page-break-after
  • page-break-inside
  • orphans
  • widows
  • @page


CSS page-break-before  property adjusts page breaks before the current element.

page-break-before: left;
CSS Paged media


CSS page-break-after property adjusts page breaks after the current element.

page-break-after: recto;


CSS page-break-inside property adjusts page breaks inside the current element.

page-break-inside: auto;
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CSS orphans property sets the minimum number of lines in a block container that must be shown at the bottom of a page, region, or column.

orphans: initial;
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CSS window property sets the minimum number of lines in a block container that must be shown at the top of a page, region, or column.

widows: unset;


CSS @page at-rule is used to modify some CSS properties when printing a document.

@page {
  margin: 3cm;

@page :first {
  margin: 3cm;

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