HTML Class

For the HTML elements(Block/Inline) the html class attribute help to give equal styles. Same class can be shared by multiple html elements. A class attribute is written within html element tag and than can be further used to give the style definition in head section. HTML Class Syntax: The HTML Class attribute is written in … Read more

Basic HTML Tags

As we have earlier discuss that what will be the basic format of html document. Now we will see some basic html tags which we can use within body to make our webpage look more attractive and organized. HTML Tags: HTML tags are similar to keywords, they specify how a web browser can format and … Read more


HTML id attribute is used to define a unique id for a html element. This id can be further use to identify the element when linking with CSS. HTML Id Syntax The id attribute is written in html element tag. Then it is used in head section within <style> tag to link the element with … Read more

HTML Element vs HTML Tag

As we have discuss earlier that what are html element and html tag. Now we will see the difference between these two so that it can become more clear. HTML Element vs HTML Tag: HTML Element HTML Tag Element is something which consist of start and end tag and the content within it. The starting … Read more

HTML Id vs HTML Class

HTML Id and HTML class both are selectors but are different. Now lets discuss HTML Id vs HTML Class below: HTML Id vs HTML Class: HTML id HTML Class HTML Id should be unique. HTML Classes can be similar. It is used to identify single element. Multiple elements can be identified using same class. A … Read more

HTML Attribute

HTML attribute describes the addition features or properties of html element. The html attribute is written in opening tag. Basically it is information or specification about html element. It base on pair of name and value. Name and value both are case sensitive and value is written within quotations. Multiple attributes can be added against … Read more

HTML Iframes

HTML Iframes are also known as inline frames, They are basically used for webpage nesting(to display a webpage within a webpage). HTML <iframe> tag is used to embed a webpage in another webpage. Syntax The web address of the embedded webpage is written in src value. Iframe Height and Width To specify size of inline … Read more

HTML Heading

HTML Heading basically provide six level of heading. It is basically a title or subtitle you want to show on webpage which is use to provide structure to the page. For main heading <h1> should be use than for sub heading <h2> and so on. Browser itself add a space before and after heading. HTML … Read more

HTML File Path

HTML file path defines the file location in folder structure of webpage. Path Description <img src=”filename.exe”> File is located in same folder <img src=”image/filename.exe”> File is in a subfolder name image placed in current folder <img src=”/image/filename.exe”> File is located in image folder at root of current web page. <img src=”../filename.exe”> File is located in … Read more

HTML Paragraph

In HTML paragraph begins on a newline and starts with <p> and ends with </p>. Usually, a HTML paragraph is structural grouping of related contend which begins on newline, Web browser add a line before and after the paragraph . HTML Paragraph Syntax Problem: Note: If several spaces or lines are inserted by user within … Read more