HTML Semantics

HTML semantic element clearly describe the purpose of element to both browser and developer. Example: <table>, <header> , <form> these are example of html semantic elements they are clearly describing their purpose. HTML Semantic Elements In HTML there are some semantic elements that are use to define the visual representation of different parts of html … Read more

SVG vs Canvas

SVG(Scalable Vector Graphics) and Canvas both are used for HTML graphics but are different. Now Lets see the SVG vs Canvas below. SVG vs Canvas: SVG Canvas SVG is vector based graphics(composed of shapes). Canvas is raster based graphics(composed of pixels). It has better scalability So, it is resolution independent. It has poor scalability So, … Read more

HTML SVG Graphics

The Html <svg> element is used as a container for html SVG(Scalable Vector Graphics) Graphics . SVG Graphics is language based on XML for two dimensional graphics. Syntax Rounded Rectangle HTML SVG Graphics: SVG Star HTML Canvas is also used for graphics. Visit HTML Canvas for more details.

HTML Input Form Attributes

The html input form attributes are written in input element having input type submit or sometimes also used with input type image. Lets see the input form attributes below: Input Form Attributes: Attribute Description form Defines the form that the input element belongs to. formaction Defines the url of file which will process the input … Read more

HTML Input Attributes

There are different html input attributes of html input element which can be used to modify the input element. Lets see different input attributes below. HTML Input Attributes: Attribute Description value Defines default value for input field. size Defines the size(width) of input field. pattern Defines the regular expressions against which the input value is … Read more

HTML Form Elements

There are different HTML form elements which are used in between <form> and </form>. The form element can contain one or more elements. Lets discuss the form elements below: HTML Form Elements: Tags Element Description <input> It defines the command of input. <textarea> It defines multiline command of inputs(textarea). <label> It defines label for input … Read more

HTML Select Attributes

Select element defines the drop-down list of options it allow user to select from different options. The options in the drop-down list can be given using <option> element. Now lets see the most commonly used select attributes . Select Attributes Attribute Description name This attribute is used to define the name for drop down list … Read more

Form Input Types

An important element of the HTML form is < input type= “> in HTML. The type attribute of the input element can be of different types, which defines the information field. For example, < input type=”text “name=”name” > gives a text box. The following is a list of all types of HTML element < input>. Type=“ ” Description text Defines … Read more

HTML Forms

HTML form is used to collect different kind of inputs from user it will collect data from the user and than it will post it to back-end application for further processing. HTML forms contain different input elements like text fields, check box, radio buttons and many more these are also known as html controls. HTML … Read more

HTML Form Attributes

Some HTML form attributes that are written in html form tag these attributes will control the behavior of html forms. Form Attributes: Attributes Description action It controls the action to be performed on form submission. target It indicates where to display response after submitting the form. method For uploading form data some methods are used … Read more