HTML Plug-ins

The objective of HTML plug-ins is to expand the functionality of HTML browser such as in early ages the html browser did not support audio and video tags than these plug-ins were used to embed the media with webpage. These plug-ins are also known as html helpers used to display the maps and other media … Read more

HTML Forms

HTML form is used to collect different kind of inputs from user it will collect data from the user and than it will post it to back-end application for further processing. HTML forms contain different input elements like text fields, check box, radio buttons and many more these are also known as html controls. HTML … Read more

HTML Form Attributes

Some HTML form attributes that are written in html form tag these attributes will control the behavior of html forms. Form Attributes: Attributes Description action It controls the action to be performed on form submission. target It indicates where to display response after submitting the form. method For uploading form data some methods are used … Read more

HTML Multimedia

HTML Multimedia is visual representation of audio, video, movies and animation on web. Basically multimedia is anything you can see or hear. Webpage also contain numerous styles and formats of multimedia element. Example: audio, video, pictures, films, animations, graphics and many more. Browser Support In Early ages web browsers only provide text support without providing … Read more

HTML YouTube Videos

It can be hard and time consuming to convert videos to various formats So, a simple alternative is to let the YouTube play videos in your webpage. YouTube ID When you save or play a video YouTube will show an ID you can use this ID to make a reference of video in html page. … Read more


HTML id attribute is used to define a unique id for a html element. This id can be further use to identify the element when linking with CSS. HTML Id Syntax The id attribute is written in html element tag. Then it is used in head section within <style> tag to link the element with … Read more

HTML Table

HTML table allow developers to arrange data in table form such as in row and column. HTML table begins with <table> tag. Following tags will help in html table formation. HTML Table Tags Table Tags Description <table> The main tag in which other tags are used. <th> This tag is known as table header use … Read more

HTML Class

For the HTML elements(Block/Inline) the html class attribute help to give equal styles. Same class can be shared by multiple html elements. A class attribute is written within html element tag and than can be further used to give the style definition in head section. HTML Class Syntax: The HTML Class attribute is written in … Read more

HTML Id vs HTML Class

HTML Id and HTML class both are selectors but are different. Now lets discuss HTML Id vs HTML Class below: HTML Id vs HTML Class: HTML id HTML Class HTML Id should be unique. HTML Classes can be similar. It is used to identify single element. Multiple elements can be identified using same class. A … Read more

HTML Block and Inline Elements

HTML block and inline elements are two types of element with respect to element display value. Block and Inline elements Now lets see block and inline elements below: Block element: A block element always start on a new line and take full available width. The block level element can contain other block and inline elements … Read more