Basic HTML Tags

As we have earlier discuss that what will be the basic format of html document. Now we will see some basic html tags which we can use within body to make our webpage look more attractive and organized. HTML Tags: HTML tags are similar to keywords, they specify how a web browser can format and … Read more

HTML Style

HTML Style is the attribute which is added in element tag to add style to an element such as color, font size, back ground color and many more. HTML Style Syntax So here style is html attribute while property is CSS property and value is CSS value. As HTML provides structure to webpage While, CSS … Read more

HTML Paragraph

In HTML paragraph begins on a newline and starts with <p> and ends with </p>. Usually, a HTML paragraph is structural grouping of related contend which begins on newline, Web browser add a line before and after the paragraph . HTML Paragraph Syntax Problem: Note: If several spaces or lines are inserted by user within … Read more

HTML Formatting

There are several HTML formatting elements through which we can change the appearance of text. The text to be format is written in between the opening and closing tag of that specific html element. Each HTML Formatting element is used for a unique purpose such as to make underline a text or to make text … Read more

HTML Comments

The <!—> is a tag for HTML comment. The notes which are commented are not seen by the browser. Basically it helps the developer to write notes about their code which will later on help them to understand the code. These HTML comments are visible to anyone who visit the source code. HTML Comment Syntax … Read more

HTML Block and Inline Elements

HTML block and inline elements are two types of element with respect to element display value. Block and Inline elements Now lets see block and inline elements below: Block element: A block element always start on a new line and take full available width. The block level element can contain other block and inline elements … Read more

HTML Images

Appearance of webpages can be improved by adding images. Lets see how to add an image to a webpage to design it well and to make it attractive. HTML Image Syntax HTML <img> tag is used to add an image to a webpage. The image Tag is known as empty tag because it doesn’t contain … Read more

HTML JavaScript

As HTML and CSS gives structure and styling to the page. In HTML JavaScript is used to make the webpage interactive and dynamic. It is basically a text based programing language which make the webpage responsive and interactive. HTML JavaScript Tags Following are HTML tags used for client side javascript: Tag Description <script> It defines … Read more

HTML Head Element

HTML head element lies between <html> tag and <body> tag. Basically this tag contains the metadata(data about data) about html page. The content of HTML head element is not shown on browser side but it plays an important role while designing a webpage. HTML Head element basically defines the title, layout, style, links and other … Read more

HTML File Path

HTML file path defines the file location in folder structure of webpage. Path Description <img src=”filename.exe”> File is located in same folder <img src=”image/filename.exe”> File is in a subfolder name image placed in current folder <img src=”/image/filename.exe”> File is located in image folder at root of current web page. <img src=”../filename.exe”> File is located in … Read more