JavaScript Where To

The JavaScript where to explain which tags are required to put JavaScript code. There are many methods for JavaScript where to code. These JavaScript where to methods are described below: The <script> Tag Using the <script> and </script> tags in HTML, JavaScript code is inserted. Output: The <head> tag When we used JavaScript function in our code, … Read more

JavaScript Statements

In programming, instructions executed by a computer are called statements. There is a list of JavaScript statements. JavaScript programs are executed by a web browser in HTML. JavaScript statements are the individual instructions that make up a JavaScript program. These statements are executed line by line, from top to bottom, and perform a specific action. … Read more

JavaScript Date Formats

Date objects represent a single moment in time in a platform-independent format. There are commonly 3 types of input JavaScript date formats: JavaScript Date Formats – Time Zones JavaScript will use the browser’s time zone when we set a date, without specifying the time zone. Short Dates The “MM/DD/YYYY” syntax is used for short dates: … Read more

JavaScript Syntax

JavaScript syntax is the set of rules that define a correctly structured JavaScript program. JavaScript consists of JavaScript statements that are placed within the <script> </script> HTML tags in a web page, or within the external JavaScript file having .js extension. JavaScript Syntax- Attributes JavaScript has two following attributes: JavaScript Syntax – Values JavaScript syntax can be defined by … Read more

Introduction to JavaScript

In the JavaScript tutorial, we will learn about JavaScript basics, which is scripting and lightweight interpreted programming language it helps to create dynamic web pages. Basically, It facilitates the development of excellent front-end and back-end applications using JavaScript-based frameworks such as jQuery, Node.JS, and others. Note: HTML and CSS give your page structure and style, while JavaScript … Read more