JavaScript Assignment

The JavaScript assignment operators are used to assign the right-side operand values to variables. The = sign is used for assigning a value to a variable.

 JavaScript Assignment

For example, we can perform the increment using the JavaScript assignment operator in the following way:

JavaScript Assignment – Operators

Following are some assignment operators used in JavaScript:

OperatorExampleSame AsDescription
=x = yx = yIt is used to assign a value of a variable y to another variable x
+=x += yx = x + y It is used to assign the result of x plus y to variable x
-=x -= yx = x – y It is used to assign the result of x minus y to variable x
*=x *= yx = x * y It is used to assign the result of x multiplied by y to variable x
/=x /= yx = x / y It is used to assign the result of x divided by y to variable x
%=x %= yx = x % y It is used to assign the result of x modulus y to variable x
<<=x <<= yx = x << y It is used to assign the result of x shifted left by y to variable x
>>=x >>= yx = x >> y It is used to assign the result of x sign preserved shifted right by y to variable x
>>>=x >>>= yx = x >>> y It is used to assign the result of x shifted right by y to variable x
&=x &= yx = x & y It is used to assign the result of x AND y to variable x
^=x ^= yx = x ^ y It is used to assign the result of x XOR y to variable x
|=x |= yx = x | y It is used to assign the result of x OR y to variable x
**=x **= yx = x ** y It is used to assign the result of x exponential y to variable x