PHP Tutorial

PHP is the abbreviation of Hypertext Pre-Processing which is a famous and mostly used programming language these days. It provides you an opportunity to create a dynamic content for your responsive website with the help of an interactive database. It is famous because its structure, coding and deployment process is very easy and convenient. After … Read more

Categories PHP

Echo/Print in PHP

An echo/print in PHP is the output variable used to display values of your program on screen. An echo is slightly different from print. The major difference is that an echo has a return value of 1 but a print has a return value of 0. An echo is marginally faster or speedy than a … Read more

Categories PHP

PHP Language Syntax

The script of a PHP Language normally starts with <?php and ends on ?> and its script usually placed anywhere in the document or file. Moreover, your files will save with the extension of .php on your desktop. A PHP Language always contains some PHP scripting and HTML tags. The above tags symbolizes the PHP … Read more

Categories PHP

Requirement for PHP Installation

First you have to find out a web host of PHP. Then, you will require a MySQL support. So, install a web server and after that PHP and MYSQL on your PC. Above we discussed some important things that are most important requirement for PHP installation. XAMPP Software XAMPP Software is a 3 in one … Read more

Categories PHP

PHP Variables

PHP Variables are working like containers to store the important and useful information in it. So, to store our needed information in a memory space is necessary and we use PHP language variables for this purpose. There are some rules for PHP language variables which are given below: A variable of PHP language starts with … Read more

Categories PHP

Constants in PHP

Constants in PHP are just like variables but their value can`t be change once set. It means you have to define the value of constants first and then you cannot change it. A perfect constant name can be start with a letter or underscore. Constants in PHP will automatically be global in the whole program. … Read more

Categories PHP

String Function in PHP

A string function in PHP includes different string operations like: String Concatenation in PHP A string concatenation in PHP is used to join two strings. And we use a “.” for it. strlen( ) Function in PHP strlen( ) function in PHP is used to return the length of a string. strpos( ) Function in … Read more

Categories PHP

Scope of PHP Variables

The scope of PHP variables are the ranges or part of the code where they are declared and used. There are total three types of the scope of PHP variables which are: Local Scope in PHP A local Scope in PHP is that a variable is only declared and accessed within a function. If you … Read more

Categories PHP

PHP Array

PHP array is a data structure that contains one or more related types of values in a single value. For example if you want to store 500 names then instead of defining different variable for each name its easy to define an array of 500 length. Multiple values can be stored in an array within … Read more

PHP Comments

PHP comments are not considered part of the code, since the commented code is not visible to the browser. Basically, it helps the developer to write notes about their code which will later on help them to understand the code. These PHP comments are visible to anyone who visit the source code. Uses of PHP Comments: Helps … Read more

Categories PHP