JavaScript Break and Continue

The JavaScript break and continue statements are very important. The break statement is used to terminate or jump out of a loop and the continue statement is used to skip one iteration or jump over one iteration in the loop. Following are explanations of JavaScript Break and Continue with an example:

The Break Statement

The Break statement is used to terminate a loop or jump out of a loop.

<!DOCTYPE html>

for (let i = 1; i < 8; i++) {
  if (i === 6) { break; }
  document.write("Iteration # " + i + "<br>");



JavaScript Break and Continue

In the example above, the break statement ends the loop when the loop counter is n == 6.

The Continue Statement

If a specified condition arrived in the code, the continue statement skips one iteration and may continue with the next iteration in the loop.

<!DOCTYPE html>

for (let i = 1; i < 12; i++) {
  if (i === 6) { continue; }
  document.write("Iteration # " + i + "<br>");



JavaScript Break and Continue

The above example skips the value of 6: