JavaScript String Methods

The JavaScript string methods help to work on strings. JavaScript methods and properties help to work with primitive values. Following are some methods that are used to work with strings in JavaScript.

String Length

To check the length of a string in JavaScript the length property is used:

<!DOCTYPE html>

let a = "TutorialsArt";



JavaScript String Methods

Converting to Upper and Lower Case

A string can be converted into the upper and lower case using two methods. The toUpperCase() is used to convert a string into uppercase and toLowerCase()is used to convert a string into lowercase.

The concat() Method

The concat() method is used to join two or more strings:

String.trim() Method

The trim() method is used to remove whitespace from both sides of a string:

<!DOCTYPE html>

let a = "       Tutorials Art 		"; 



JavaScript String Methods

Extraction of String Parts

Following are some methods used for extracting string parts in JavaScript:

1. The slice() Method

The slice() method is used to extract a part of the string and return it as a new string. It takes the start and ending position (end not included) as a parameter. The starting point starts from 0.

<!DOCTYPE html>

let s = "Python, R, C++";
document.write(s.slice(5, 9));



JavaScript String Methods

We can also apply negative slicing on a string, then the position is counted from the end of the string.

<!DOCTYPE html>

let s = "Python, R, C++";
document.write(s.slice(-9, -2));



JavaScript String Methods

If we skip the ending position, it will return the rest of the string.

2. The substring() Method

The substring() method is the same as slice() method but negative indexing is not allowed in this method.

<!DOCTYPE html>

let s = "Python, R, C++";
document.write(s.substring (7, 9));



JavaScript String Methods Example 6

If we skip the ending position, it will return the rest of the string.

3. The substr() Method

The substr() method is the same as slice() method but the second parameter specifies the length of the extracted part.

<!DOCTYPE html>

let s = "Python, R, C++";
s. substr (7, 9) 
document.write(s.substr (7, 9));



JavaScript String Methods Example 7

If we skip the ending position, it will return the rest of the string and in case of negative indexing, it will start from the end of the string.

String Content Replacement

To replace a specific value with another string value the replace() method is used. It does not replace the original string and return a new string with replaced value.

<!DOCTYPE html>

let a = "Welcome to website!";
let b = a.replace("website", "Tutorials Art");



JavaScript String Methods Example 8

If the replacement word is available much time in the original string then it will replace only the first match by default.

<!DOCTYPE html>

let a = "Welcome to website and website!";
let b = a.replace("website", "Tutorials Art");



JavaScript String Methods Example 9

The replace() method is case-sensitive by default. Writing WEBSITE (with upper-case) will not work. To replace case insensitive, use a regular expression with an /i flag (insensitive):

<!DOCTYPE html>

let a = "Welcome to website and website!";
let b = a.replace("website", "Tutorials Art");



JavaScript String Methods Example 10

To replace all matches, use /g flag instead of /i flag.

Padding String

ECMAScript 2017 used two new String methods padStart and padEnd to support padding at the start and end of a string.

<!DOCTYPE html>

<p id="tacode1"></p>
<p id="tacode2"></p>

let a = "8";
document.getElementById("tacode1").innerHTML = a.padStart(3,0);
document.getElementById("tacode2").innerHTML = a.padEnd(3,0);



JavaScript String Methods Example 11

String Characters Extraction

There are 3 methods for extracting string characters:

1. Property Access

The ECMAScript 5 (2009) allows property access [ ] on strings:

<!DOCTYPE html>

let a = "Tutorials Art"; 



JavaScript String Methods Example 12

2. The charAt() Method

The charAt() method is used to returns the character at a specified index in a string:

<!DOCTYPE html>

let a = "Tutorials Art";



JavaScript String Methods Example 13

3. The charCodeAt() Method

The charCodeAt() method is used to return the Unicode of the character at a specified index in a string:

<!DOCTYPE html>

let a = "Tutorials Art";



JavaScript String Methods Example 14

Converting a String to an Array

Using the split() method we can convert a string into an array.

Following browsers support for JavaScript string padding:

Chrome 57Edge 15Firefox 48Safari 10Opera 44
Mar 2017Apr 2017Aug 2016Sep 2016Mar 2017