Top PHP Frameworks To Use in 2024

PHP frameworks are software libraries that provide a collection of functions and tools to help developers build web applications more efficiently. They aim to simplify the development process by providing pre-written code that can be reused across different projects, reducing the amount of time required to build a web application from scratch. In this article, we will explore the benefits of using a PHP framework and take a closer look at some of the most popular PHP frameworks available today.

Some of the popular PHP frameworks include LaravelSymfonyCodeIgniterYiiZend, and CakePHP. Each framework has its own strengths and weaknesses, and developers choose the framework that best fits their specific needs and skill level.

PHP frameworks

Benefits of Using a PHP Framework

Faster Development

One of the most significant benefits of using a PHP framework is that it can greatly reduce the time required to develop a web application. PHP frameworks provide a set of pre-built features, libraries, and tools that can be quickly integrated into your project, saving you from having to write the code from scratch. This can be particularly useful for developers who are working on tight deadlines or who need to deliver a project quickly.


PHP frameworks promote consistent coding practices and standards, which can help improve the quality and maintainability of the codebase. This is because most PHP frameworks follow the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture, which separates the application logic from the user interface and promotes code reuse. By following a consistent coding style and structure, developers can reduce the risk of errors and bugs in their code and make it easier to maintain the application over time.


Security is a critical concern for any web application. PHP frameworks often come with built-in security features, such as input validation and protection against XSS and SQL injection attacks. These features can help reduce the risk of vulnerabilities in the application and improve the overall security of the codebase. Additionally, most PHP frameworks have active communities of developers who continually update and improve the framework’s security features to keep pace with emerging threats.


PHP frameworks are designed to handle large-scale projects and can easily accommodate new features and functionality as your application grows. Most PHP frameworks provide scalability features such as caching, load balancing, and database sharding that can help you scale your application to handle more traffic and users. Additionally, PHP frameworks often come with built-in support for third-party integrations, which can help you add new features to your application quickly and easily.

Community Support

PHP frameworks have large and active communities of developers who contribute to the development, maintenance, and improvement of the framework. This means that you can easily find help, resources, and documentation to support your development efforts. Additionally, most PHP frameworks have robust ecosystems of plugins, extensions, and libraries that you can use to extend the functionality of the framework and add new features to your application.

Popular PHP Frameworks


Laravel is currently one of the most popular PHP frameworks available today. It is an open-source framework that follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture and provides a range of features such as routing, database migrations, and authentication out of the box. Laravel also has a robust ecosystem of plugins and extensions, making it easy to add new functionality to your application.


Symfony is a powerful PHP framework that is known for its flexibility and extensibility. It provides a range of features such as routing, templating, and database abstraction, and it has a modular architecture that allows you to use only the components you need. Symfony also has a large and active community of developers who contribute to the development and maintenance of the framework.


CodeIgniter is a lightweight and easy-to-use PHP framework that is ideal for developers who are new to PHP development. It provides a range of features such as form validation, database abstraction, and caching, and it has a small footprint that makes it easy to deploy. CodeIgniter also has a large community of developers who contribute to the development and maintenance of the framework.


Yii is a high-performance PHP framework that is designed for building large-scale web applications. It provides a range of features such as caching, database abstraction, and authentication, and it has a modular architecture that allows you to use only the components you need. Yii also has a large and active community of developers who contribute to the development and maintenance of the framework.


Zend is a PHP framework that is known for its scalability and extensibility. It provides a range of features such as routing, templating, and database abstraction, and it has a modular architecture that allows you to use only the components you need. Zend also has a large and active community of developers who contribute to the development and maintenance of the framework.


CakePHP is a popular PHP framework that follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture and provides a range of features to help developers build web applications quickly and easily. It is an open-source framework that was first released in 2005 and has since been updated to provide a modern development experience.

Some of the key features of CakePHP include:

  1. ORM: CakePHP provides a powerful Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) system that allows developers to work with databases using an object-oriented approach. This makes it easier to write database queries and reduces the risk of SQL injection attacks.
  2. Templating: CakePHP provides a flexible templating system that allows developers to define and reuse templates across different parts of the application. This can significantly reduce the amount of time required to build the user interface of an application.
  3. Built-in Security: CakePHP has a range of built-in security features, such as input validation, CSRF protection, and password hashing. These features can help reduce the risk of vulnerabilities in the application and improve the overall security of the codebase.
  4. Caching: CakePHP provides a range of caching features, such as file and memory caching, that can help improve the performance of the application by reducing the number of database queries required.
  5. CLI Tools: CakePHP provides a range of command-line interface (CLI) tools that can help developers automate common tasks, such as generating code and running database migrations.

here are some code examples to illustrate how PHP frameworks work:

  1. Laravel Example

Here’s an example of how to use Laravel’s built-in routing feature to define a route that displays a welcome message:Copy

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route;

Route::get('/', function () {
    return 'Welcome to my Laravel app!';

In this example, we’re using Laravel’s Route facade to define a route that responds to HTTP GET requests on the root URL (“/”). We’re using an anonymous function to handle the request and return a string that displays a welcome message.

  1. Symfony Example

Here’s an example of how to use Symfony’s built-in form component to create a form that allows users to submit data:


use Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType;
use Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\TextType;
use Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\SubmitType;

$form = $this->createFormBuilder()
    ->add('name', TextType::class)
    ->add('email', TextType::class)
    ->add('submit', SubmitType::class, ['label' => 'Submit'])

return $this->render('form.html.twig', ['form' => $form->createView()]);

In this example, we’re using Symfony’s FormBuilder to create a form that has two text fields for the user’s name and email, and a submit button. We’re also using Twig templates to render the form on a web page.

  1. CodeIgniter Example

Here’s an example of how to use CodeIgniter’s built-in database library to query a database and retrieve data:


$query = $this->db->get('users');

foreach ($query->result() as $row) {
    echo $row->name;

In this example, we’re using CodeIgniter’s database library to load the database and run a query to retrieve data from the “users” table. We’re then using a foreach loop to iterate over the query results and echo the value of the “name” field for each row.

  1. Yii Example

Here’s an example of how to use Yii’s built-in caching component to cache the results of a database query:

use yii\caching\FileCache;

$cache = new FileCache();

$data = $cache->get('users');

if ($data === false) {
    $data = User::find()->all();
    $cache->set('users', $data);

return $this->render('users', ['data' => $data]);

In this example, we’re using Yii’s FileCache component to cache the results of a database query. We’re first checking if the data is already cached, and if not, we’re running the query and caching the results. We’re then using Yii’s built-in templating feature to render the results on a web page.

  1. Zend Example

Here’s an example of how to use Zend’s built-in routing component to define a route that displays a welcome message:

use Zend\Expressive\Application;

$app = new Application();

$app->get('/', function ($request, $response) {
    $response->getBody()->write('Welcome to my Zend app!');
    return $response;


In this example, we’re using Zend’s Application class to define a route that responds to HTTP GET requests on the root URL (“/”). We’re using an anonymous function to handle the request and write a welcome message to the response body.


PHP frameworks provide developers with a range of features and tools that can greatly simplify the development process and improve the quality and security of code. By using a PHP framework, developers can save time, reduce the risk of errors and bugs, and build applications that can handle large amounts of traffic and users. With a range of PHP frameworks available today, developers can choose the framework that best fits their specific needs and skill level and build applications that meet the needs of their users.