R Installation

R language is a very famous programming language. To work on the R language we have to install R language in our system. For R installation, we need to install the following things: R RStudio For the R and RStudio installation process click here. R installation in Windows To create a project on R language, … Read more

If-else statement in R

Another type of decision-making statement is an if-else statement. If-else statement in R is the if statement followed by an else statement. Else statement will be executed when the Boolean expression will false. In short, if a Boolean expression comes true, then the, if segment gets executed otherwise the else block, will get executed. Any … Read more

Introduction to R programming

R is a programming language that is used for statistical computing and graphics. R programming is similar to S programming. It is considered a different style of S language implementation. S language code runs unaltered under R language but there are also some differences. R programming provides statistical linear and non-linear modeling, time series forecasting, … Read more

R Repeat Loop

The R repeat loop is used for iterating a block of code. There is no condition to exit from the loop due to a special type of loop. For exiting, we add a break statement with a user-defined condition. This type of loop makes it different from the other loops. In R language repeat loop … Read more

Loop Control Statements

Loop control statements are used to change the execution from its normal sequence. When execution leaves a scope all automatic objects are destroyed that were created in scope. Following are some loop control statements in R language: Break Loop Control Statements in R To immediately exit from the loop and to break the execution of … Read more

If Statement in R

If statement is used for decision making in R to help out to make a decision on the basis of condition. If statement in R is a conditional programming statement that displays the information if it is proved true. The if statement consists of the Boolean expressions followed by one or more statements. If statement … Read more

Time Series in R

The time series in R is a series of data points in which each data point is linked with a timestamp. The best example of time series in R is the price of a stock in the stock market at different points of time on a given day. The amount of rainfall in a region … Read more

Matrix in R

The rectangular dataset in two dimensions is called a matrix in R programming. A matrix is created with a vector input to the matrix function. Mathematical operations can be performed like add, subtract, multiply, and division on a matrix in R programming. Elements are arranged in a fixed number of rows and columns in the … Read more

Data Types in R

The variable in the R language has a data type. All data types in R programming need some memory and have some operations that can be performed over it. We have the following data types in R programming: 1. Numeric data type in R The decimal values in the R language are called numeric. It … Read more

Arrays in R

Arrays in R can have more than two dimensions as compared to the matrix. Arrays in R, are created using the array() function. The array() function takes the vector as input and used its values in dim parameters to create an array. Suppose, we create an array of (2, 3, 4) dimensions, it will create … Read more