R Function

The R function is a set of statements that are organized together to perform a particular task. R language facilitates a series of built-in functions and permits to use to create their own functions. The modular approach is used to perform tasks in functions. Usually, functions are used to avoid repetition of the same task … Read more

Line Graph in R

The line graph in R has a line that connects all the points in a diagram. With the help of plot() functions you can create a line and add the type parameter with a value of ā€œlā€ in R programming: Output: Line Color To change the color you can use col parameter, remember the color … Read more

R Classification

The R classification algorithm is a very easy task. By analyzing the training dataset we can predict the target class. We can obtain better boundary conditions that can be used to check the target class using the training dataset. The whole process is known as classification.  R Classification algorithms Some important points of R classification … Read more

Histogram in R

The histogram in R is used to represent variable values frequency. The difference between histogram and barplot is that histogram groups the values into continuous ranges. To create a histogram in R we used the hist() function. The height of the bars represents the frequency of that variable. The histogram takes a vector as input … Read more

Boxplot in R

The boxplot in R is a very famous type of graph. Boxplot shows us how data is distributed in a dataset and divides the data into three quartiles. This graph is used to represent the first and third quartile, median, max, and min in a dataset. It also compares the distribution by making boxplots across … Read more

Binary File in R

we can read and write a binary file in R. A file that contains information present only in the form of bits and bytes (0 and 1) is called a binary file. A binary file is not readable by humans. The data generated by the other programs need to be processed by R as a … Read more

R Packages

R packages are a collection of R functions, compiled code, and sample data. They have been stored in a directory known library in the R environment. R programming install packages during installation. More packages are added later till they are needed for some specific tasks. Just default packages are available by default. All the R … Read more

Statistical Analysis in R

For Statistical Analysis in R programming, several built-in functions are available like mean, mode, median. These functions are part of the R programming base package. These functions take R vectors as an input along with the arguments and give the result. Mean For Statistical Analysis in R, the mean is calculated by taking the sum … Read more

Time Series in R

The time series in R is a series of data points in which each data point is linked with a timestamp. The best example of time series in R is the price of a stock in the stock market at different points of time on a given day. The amount of rainfall in a region … Read more

Matrix in R

The rectangular dataset in two dimensions is called a matrix in R programming. A matrix is created with a vector input to the matrix function. Mathematical operations can be performed like add, subtract, multiply, and division on a matrix in R programming. Elements are arranged in a fixed number of rows and columns in the … Read more