Line Graph in R

The line graph in R has a line that connects all the points in a diagram. With the help of plot() functions you can create a line and add the type parameter with a value of ā€œlā€ in R programming: Output: Line Color To change the color you can use col parameter, remember the color … Read more

R Classification

The R classification algorithm is a very easy task. By analyzing the training dataset we can predict the target class. We can obtain better boundary conditions that can be used to check the target class using the training dataset. The whole process is known as classification.  R Classification algorithms Some important points of R classification … Read more

Histogram in R

The histogram in R is used to represent variable values frequency. The difference between histogram and barplot is that histogram groups the values into continuous ranges. To create a histogram in R we used the hist() function. The height of the bars represents the frequency of that variable. The histogram takes a vector as input … Read more

Boxplot in R

The boxplot in R is a very famous type of graph. Boxplot shows us how data is distributed in a dataset and divides the data into three quartiles. This graph is used to represent the first and third quartile, median, max, and min in a dataset. It also compares the distribution by making boxplots across … Read more

CSV file in R

CSV stands for Comma Separated Values file, which is a plain text file that contains a list of data. CSV file in R is used for exchanging the data between different applications. Like contact managers and databases mostly support CSV files. Getting and Setting the Working Directory The getwd() function is used to check which … Read more

Excel File in R

The excel file extension that stores data in the .xls or xlsx format. There are several packages to perform the operations on an excel file in R programming. These packages are XLConnect, xlsx, gdata etc. Install xlsx Package You can use the following command in the R console to install the “xlsx” package. Verify and … Read more

Poisson Regression in R

For modeling events, the Poisson Regression in R is used where the outcomes are counts. The count data is discrete data with non-negative integer values that count things, such as the number of people in line at the grocery store.  The basic mathematical equation for Poisson regression in R is as follow: Here: y is the … Read more

JSON File in R

JSON file in R is stored as an R list. JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation. The JSON file is consists of the data as text in a human-readable format. Install rjson Package You can install the R JSON package with the following command in the R console. Input Data Create a JSON file by … Read more

Multiple Linear Regression in R

Multiple Linear Regression in R is an extension of linear regression in the relationship between two or more variables. In linear regression, we have one input and done output, but in multiple linear regression in R, we have more than one predictor and one outcome. The mathematical equation for multiple regression is as follow: Here: … Read more

Linear Regression in R

Linear Regression in R predicts the output of the y variable based on one or more input x variables. In simple words, it is used to establish a relationship between output and input variables. The input and output variables are related through an equation in which the exponent of both these variables is 1. A … Read more