Matrix in R

The rectangular dataset in two dimensions is called a matrix in R programming. A matrix is created with a vector input to the matrix function. Mathematical operations can be performed like add, subtract, multiply, and division on a matrix in R programming. Elements are arranged in a fixed number of rows and columns in the … Read more

Data Types in R

The variable in the R language has a data type. All data types in R programming need some memory and have some operations that can be performed over it. We have the following data types in R programming: 1. Numeric data type in R The decimal values in the R language are called numeric. It … Read more

Arrays in R

Arrays in R can have more than two dimensions as compared to the matrix. Arrays in R, are created using the array() function. The array() function takes the vector as input and used its values in dim parameters to create an array. Suppose, we create an array of (2, 3, 4) dimensions, it will create … Read more

R Factor

The R factor is a data structure that is used for the purpose of the field which takes only a predefined finite number of values. R factors take a limited number of different values. To store data on multiple levels and categorize the data is done by these objects. Strings and integers can be stored … Read more

R Database

The data is stored in a normalized format in the R database system. To carry statistical computing we need complex and advanced SQL queries. But in R programming we can connect very easily to many relational databases like Mysql, Sql server, Oracle, etc. It becomes a normal dataset when available in R programming and can … Read more

R Data Frame

Data is displayed in the format of the table in the R data frame. There are different data types inside the R data frames. The character can be the first column, second and third can be numeric or logical. However, each column must have the same type of data. Following are some R data frame … Read more

Nonlinear Least Square

Nonlinear Least Square for used in regression in R. We see that it is a rare case that the equation of the model is a linear equation giving a linear graph when we used regression analysis for real-world data. Because mostly the model equation of real-world involves higher degree mathematical functions like an exponent of … Read more

Chi-Square Test

To analyze the frequency table Chi-Square Test is used. This table is formed by two categorical variables. This test is used to check whether there is a significant relationship between these two variables. The variable may be from the same population or maybe categories like On/Off, Male/Female, etc. The chisq.test() function is used to perform this test … Read more

Web Data in R

We can scrap and save web data in R. Every website has its own identity to provide data for the availability of its user in the form of XML, CSV, and txt files. You can filter specific data from that website with the help of R programming. “RCurl” XML” and “String” are packages that are … Read more

Distribution in R

There are two types of distribution in R as follow: Normal Distribution Binomial Distribution Normal Distribution in R The random collection of data from independent sources is known as normal distribution in R. Now we know that we will get a bell shape curve if we plot a graph with the value of the variable … Read more