Histogram in R

The histogram in R is used to represent variable values frequency. The difference between histogram and barplot is that histogram groups the values into continuous ranges. To create a histogram in R we used the hist() function. The height of the bars represents the frequency of that variable. The histogram takes a vector as input and produces a histogram plot.

Following is the basic syntax of the histogram in R:


  • is a vector
  • main indicates title
  • col is used to set bar colour
  • border is used to set border
  • xlab is used to give x-axis description
  • xlim is used to specify x-axis range
  • ylim is used to specify y-axis range
  • breaks is used to mention the bar width

Creating the Histogram in R

The histogram is created using the hist function.

v <-  c(34, 7,87,64,32,54,64,32,76,56, 34,57,85,25,78,65,54,43,65,55,43)




Color of Histogram

We can change the color of the histogram using col and border parameters.

v <-  c(34, 7,87,64,32,54,64,32,76,56, 34,57,85,25,78,65,54,43,65,55,43)

hist(v,xlab = "X", col = "blue",border = "green")


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Range of X and Y values

To set the range of the X-axis and Y-axis, we can use the xlim and ylim parameters. We can set the width of the bar using the breaks parameter.

v <-  c(34, 7,87,64,32,54,64,32,76,56, 34,57,85,25,78,65,54,43,65,55,43)

hist(v,xlab = "X", col = "blue",border = "green", xlim = c(0,35), ylim = c(0,6), breaks = 3)


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